FOR TODAY... 8th March 2010
Outside My's dark and cold and wet...I totally forgot that it was Monday today. It's Labour Day here and my man is home. It's a rare occassion that he has 2 consecutive days off work, it has been nice to have him around so we can do things as a family. Although I made him stay home with the pixies this afternoon so I could do the grocery shop in peace...It was heavenly (as much as a grocery shop can be anyway!!!).
I am thinking...about the monumental task of renovating my bathroom on an extremely tight budget, and doing as much as I can myself. Throw a very reluctant Mr Pixies and two small kiddies into the mix and I want to just put it off forever. The shower is falling apart and it stinks and I hate shower curtains...I WANT a NEW bathroom. I don't mind if we keep the pink bath...I just need a new shower, one that doesn't make me feel icky after showering in it. I don't think that is too much to ask.
I am thankful for...the breastfeeding relationship I still have with my little one. It can be a drag sometimes, but I am not anywhere near ready to give it up and neither is she. Which I guess precludes the idea of having another baby...absolutely no chance of ovulating while breastfeeding for me. My fertility nurse once said "don't give up that beautiful relationship for the chance to have another baby, because it might not ever happen...and then you've thrown it away all for nothing and you will regret it doubly". I did give up breastfeeding with S to conceive C, but this time round I want to enjoy it and her second year without the stress of trying to conceive and the anxiety of pregnancy. Don't get me wrong, I love being pregnant and would dearly love another baby...but the journey to conception and the first half of pregnancy are anxiety ridden for me. I really don't remember much of S's second year and that is something I will always regret.
From the oven is sparkling....It's so PRETTY!!! and I think it appreciated the clean because it's actually working consistently now. The whole reason I stuck my head in the grotty thing was because I was too ashamed to ring the plumber to look at it in the filthy state it was in. Now I don't need to ring him (as she knocks on wood so as not to jinx it).
I am wearing...My usual trackpants and t-shirt...bra-less because I just put the littlest Pixie to bed...oh she heard me say that, she just woke up.
I am creating...a special birthday present for a soon to be one year old boy.
I am put my feet up and relax in front of the TV very soon.
I am reading...nothing right now, but as soon as I find my copy of Alice in Wonderland from Uni I will be reading that again. We went and saw the 3D movie yesterday and LOVED it. Except for Anne Hathaway as the White Queen, who I think didn't really even come close to pulling off that role. I adored Helena Bonham-Carter, as for Johnny Depp...I don't know. I will reserve judgement on that one. I need to see it again.
I am hoping...that the rain clears by Friday morning so that I don't have to get wet walking to Kinder again. I put C in the hug a bub all prepared to keep her under the umbrella with me, but wouldn't you know it, I couldn't find said umbrella. I looked everywhere. Of course I found it hiding under the vacuum cleaner...the next day. Perhaps it didn't want to get wet either.
I am hearing...peace and quiet...the girls are in bed and the man is at his cricket. Just the tap tap tap of the keys to keep my company. A little bit of BLISS..enjoying it while it lasts. Doing my best to ignore the housework that I promised myself I would do tonight.
Around the house...the washing is all done and the kitchen is as clean as it is going to get tonight. My excuse - I don't want to wake the sleeping and interrupt the bliss. I need to tidy up the toys from the day and clean down my dining table, but they can wait a little longer.
One of my favourite things...the HUGE hug I get from S when I pick her up from her two and a half hour Kinder session on Friday morning.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...umm!! Perhaps some bathroom planning. I need to go to Bunnings and jot down some measurements and prices but I'm not sure I want to do that with impatient children in tow. Perhaps on Saturday afternoon. I don't have any set plans this week...I really need to get a social life. Make some new friends. A regular gig. Adult conversation over coffee would be grand.
A photo to share...
we managed to make it to the final quarter of the Hawthorn v North Melbourne practice match held locally. Mr Pixies is a die hard Hawks supporter and I couldn't let him miss it. I picked him up from work and took him straight there, along with the girls. It was wet but not cold. Miss 3 was bored within minutes, I was a little too absorbed in taking photos (much to the chagrin of Miss 14 months) and the Hawks got flogged. I got a few reasonable shots, but I have a real hankering to go to a match without the tiny distractions and see what I can do. Maybe one day we can leave them with Gran and Grumbles and go to a real AFL match. Do I really want to see my beloved Dees get destroyed by the Hawks?? Could I survive the trip home????
WOW!! That's a long daybook entry...
Congratulations if you made it all the way to here without nodding off :)
Have a lovely week.