Thursday, June 13, 2013

Just Because...

As I was searching through my photo folders for 2013, I realised that I haven't been getting the camera out nearly as much as I should be.
I have been unwell with a terrible case of pharyngitis and forced myself to take a day off work...I wouldn't be very popular if I shared my germs!!
My sick day provided me with a wonderful opportunity to spend some one on one time with Mr Darcy, not something that I normally get a chance at. Unfortunately I wasn't well enough to get out and about with him, so I managed to set up a little backdrop in the lounge and get a few cute photos in the 15 minute window in which he co-operated.
I have been having some real issues editing photos on my laptop, so I would appreciate any feedback on the tone of these. I think my screen is far to cool, and as a result I tend to warm my photos up a little too much. I think I will definitely need to go back to editing on the larger screen.
Anyway, I am almost feeling well again, and my voice is back after 4 days AWOL. The kids (and some others!!) thought mummy without a voice was freakin' hilarious.
That trunk Darcy is sitting on here belonged to my Pa once upon a time...remember this photo of my tiny little man...they grow up way too fast.
Cindy xx

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Nearly Seven

Full of Sass
Loves her little sister and brother
Excellent reader
Good helper
Good friend
Social Butterfly
Enjoys School
Loves Drawing and Creating