Monday, March 28, 2011

Daybook Monday

Outside My Window...It's a lovely autumn day, the sun is shining, the birds are singing, giant locusts are flying about (icky) and Miss C's car seat is drying in the sunshine (after she vomited strawberry milk all over herself yesterday in the car...double icky)

I am lucky I am to have my little man...I have been reflecting on his birth (which was a really frightening experience) quite a bit recently and thinking I should really get the details written down.

I am thankful for...Kindergarten being a five minute walk's easy to put Mr D in the hug a bub and stroll up there and back with the two pixies...even in the rain. We often walk to the supermarket after dropping Miss S off while Mr D sleeps.

From the kitchen...a small child asking for "me somefeen to eat" for the 100th time today. (slight exaggeration, but they are never satiated...they always want something more. If I could get the craft/sewing room organised they wouldn't get so bored...but it takes 3 people to move my sewing machine...haven't had any volunteers to help me.)

I am wearing...a baby...who feels like he is getting heavier by the second (which strictly speaking would be true.)

I am sit here for as long as he sleeps if I can, and not care one iota about the fact that I'm not getting any housework done. I just want to soak in his little sighs and wriggles and sleep smiles. I want to enjoy this time with my last babe and I don't care what anyone else says.

I am reading...Information about enrolling Miss S in Primary school (yikes!! I never thought I would be doing that)...and bathroom brochures...My Dad has offered to help us renovate the bathroom (bless him).

I am hoping...not to yell at the pixies today, I've been a bit off the past week or so and have been very impatient with, and frustrated by my noisy girls.
I am hearing...NO Television...we are cutting right back on TV time for the pixies. They are camping out in the yard in the Disney princess  tent with pencils and paper.

Around the house...mess mess mess mess mess inside...slightly better outside (lots of work to do out there)

A few plans for the rest of the week...Put Mr D's cot together...he is growing way too fast and won't fit in his cradle soon (not that he sleeps in it, but you never know, I may actually go hardball and make him sleep in the cot...ahh! who am I kidding). Other than that I'm taking it one day at a time. Working in 30-45 minute intervals (which is generally what I get from Mr Catnap when he is not asleep on me.) Hoping to get the windows cleaned...

A photo to share...numbers 2 & 3...makes me smile

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