Monday, June 27, 2011

This Little Girl...

...turned FIVE yesterday

She opened a present to find just what she wanted...

We partook in a spot of brunch at Gran and Grumbles followed by cake...
made by mumma...and guaranteed to give you a sugar buzz.

The boys wondered why on earth they turned up to the party in the same could such a thing happen???

We went on a little impromptu photo shoot...just the two of was COLD...

Then it was Birthday Girls choice for dinner...homemade pizza...with lots of olives (more got eaten than made it to the pizza). They even got to roll out their own base...can you tell??

and to finish the day in style...

blue goo bath.

followed perhaps by a little pre bed tantrum...big day, big emotions.
What more could a five year old want?

Better go...I have a gazillion tiny little cupcakes to ice for Kinder tomorrow...


1 comment:

  1. Awwwh. So cute!!! Don't the boys look smashing!!
    Love the photos of her with the umbrella!
