the last few months have been a mighty struggle for me.
I've been tired, sick, unmotivated and a bit of a hermit.
I haven't blogged regularly.
Looking through my photos folders from March, April, May and June leaves me feeling very sad that I haven't picked up the camera more regularly.
It's all for a good cause, however.
I have embarked on a new project.
A project that will come to fruition in the middle of January 2011.
Of course most people that read my blog already know what I'm talking about, but for those who don' is a photo of the works in progress.
14 weeks tomorrow and starting to feel much better now.
Oh my! I have been so much sicker with this one.
Unable to function, so so tired.
My house, which I was just starting to get in order, is now in disarray again *sigh*
Bring on the nesting!! Please.
this post? I said that we wouldn't be trying for a baby until C was nearer to 2.. and how I said that I wish pregnancy would just HAPPEN, without all the angst of fertility drugs?
Well it sort of worked out that way...
I was on Metformin in an effort to prepare my body for pregnancy down the track (say in 3 or 4 months time). It certainly wasn't supposed to happen so quickly. It was certainly a bit of a shock...a very pleasant one.
So that's my excuse for blog neglect and lack of photos...Will my feeling better (not 100% yet, but haven't thrown up in 4 or 5 days...YAY!) herald the return of the regular Daybook?
I'm not sure about that one yet, but at least I can openly publish information I had to previously hold back.
As for the photo mojo...I'm hoping that returns some time soon...PLEASE!
I did manage to drag my sorry butt out of the house to take part in a family/maternity shoot for
Celeste. I shot, she edited (I did suffer some anxiety over that situation, It's very strange not to be able to review the photos you have taken immediately after a shoot...I'm grateful she posted some on her
blog so quickly)...I wasn't on top of my game, but I hope I got some good shots. It was freezing here...It may have been 7 degrees, but I think the wind chill factor was -1. They were absolute troopers. Thank goodness they all know what to do in front of the camera.
So, that's what been happening here over the past 3 months...
I hope to blog much more regularly....
After I get the house work under control of course (hehehe)