Friday, December 30, 2011
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Merry Christmas To All
We hope your Christmas was filled with good company, lots of laughs, lots of kisses, and fantastic food.
See you in the New Year.
Monday, December 12, 2011
Time Marches On..
This little pixie turned THREE last week...oh how the time just flies by!
We had Gran over for Dinner and Tinkerbell cupcakes on her birthday proper. Then Mr Pixies and I had to go off to Miss S's school info night, so we left Gran to bath the three pixies (thank you Gran, I don't know where we would be without you).
Then we had proper cake with her cousins on Sunday morning.
So Charlotte is now the proud mummy of a Baby Alive, Bullseye and Jessie, 3 Barbies and Ken, and some Smurfs.What more could a girly three year old ask for? I guess she could ask her sister not to covet her birthday presents!! Of course what's yours is mine and what's mine is mine to Miss Five and a half.
I guess we can put the Christmas Tree up now :)
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
When I let the five year old...
borrow the kitchen scissors to cut out her drawings!!
Then I forgot she had them and I put Mr D to was unusually quiet when I returned!!
I know you're thinking..uh oh!! they cut their hair...
Thankfully NOT!! But 3 barbies have a new short do.
And Harley, the favourite bear of one small girl had a trim around the ears...
I didn't yell at them...but when I explained that the toys hair doesn't grow back like theirs does we had a waterfall of tears!! One more lesson learnt (for mumma and girls!).
Ain't I a meanie...taking photos of my pixies when they are upset!
Such cute photos though.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Nine Months
So I've been MIA for quite a while now...bathroom renovation totally to blame for that one. It's a time sapper, and an energy sapper, and a sanity sapper. It's functional now, with just a few bits and pieces to finish off. I still have to patch the walls and paint, but I have been avoiding the bathroom like the plague except to have a lovely hot this rate it might be finished before Christmas. HA!!
In the midst of all the chaos this little boy turned nine months old...and now I have to say "It's totally crazy trying to renovate with an eight nine month old".
He has the sweetest dispostion...lots of smiling, lots of giggling. He gives the best cuddles. He will crawl up to me and lay his head on my shoulder or leg...cute, heart melting.
He has the crawl totally mastered now and has been pulling himself up on the furniture and cruising around for a good month. It's a constant battle to keep him out of trouble...he pulled a timber frame over on himself two days ago and squished his pinkie finger...which is now black. Ouch!! We have far too many stairs in our house...not a huge staircase, but steps at the back and at the front and into my sewing room.
He Loves the sound of his own voice...mamma, dadda, pa, and I swear he said hot today.
He has just recovered from a 3 day fever caused by an ear infection...certainly gave me an appreciation for how happy he normally is when he was so miserable for a week.
Day time sleeps have certainly been an area of great improvement...2 naps, usually one hour in the morning and two in the afternoon. Night time sleeps...don't ask!!
Look at those crazy curls...he totally looks like his Pa now...
He amazes me every single day...
Will blog about the bathroom renovation soon!!
Friday, October 28, 2011
Monday, October 24, 2011
Monday, October 3, 2011
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Look out
he's officially crawling...
as of Monday evening...this little monster figured out how to coordinate those big chubbie legs and crawled across the loungeroom floor.
He will be eight months old on Friday...where on earth does the time go?
He gives lovely open mouth smooches...and leaves a great wet patch behind, champion drooler that he is.
He gives gorgeous snuggles, and is going through a mean period of separation least now he can follow me when I move more than a metre from him :)
He is getting over his man cold at last and is beginning to sleep a little better...although you know it's messed up when your idea of better sleep is when your baby only wakes up every two or three hours instead of every 40 minutes.
Miss Charlotte is officially day time toilet trained three months before she turns three...but boy is she pushing the boundaries...obstinate is probably the best word to describe her at the moment. She sat herself down next to the postbox when we went for a walk yesterday and wouldn't budge...even when I walked half a block away from her.
Miss Sophia is more than ready for school...and is very excited. Her attitude at the moment however is deplorable. Not exactly sure where she is picking this up from but it's always worse after Kinder...hmmm!! I have no doubt that some of it comes from me's to brilliant parenting.
Me...I feel like I'm swimming upriver at the moment. I can't seem to get anything done. I'm trying to get the house in order for a newly crawling babe, and organise the renovation of our only bathroom...the thought of two weeks without a bathroom is freaking me out a little. I am excited about gyproking and tiling and decorating though.
I haven't even started on Christmas present creating yet, although I do have a few ideas in mind for my girls...don't know what to make for the boy yet, but I'm sure I'll figure it out....
Now if I could just find the time to make up a to do list!!!
Hello to some beautiful spring weather, may it not get too hot too soon :)
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Just a catch up...
The days and weeks have been flying by for me...where does the time go?
I've been busy in my sewing room and in the kitchen...I've also been busy ringing tradesmen. The bathroom Reno is happening at last. I've picked all the elements (except paint colour...which will most likely be one of the thousands of shades of white). Mr Pixies has put in for holidays in mid October and I have my dad on board for all the difficult stuff and for the experience he will bring.
I'm super excited but unbearably nervous all at the same know something is on your mind when it carries over into your dreams...and lately I have been dreaming about putting up wallboard and waterproofing and's a little disturbing to tell the honest truth.
I've been less than enthusiastic with the camera these past couple of months...the weather hasn't been brilliant. We had a taste of early Spring and some lovely sunny days, but lately we are back to the depths of winter with wind squalls and hailstones and overcast freezing cold, stick your butt in the heater and only move with great reluctance kind of days. Certainly not inspiring me to capture anything specific.
Sophia received a letter in the mail from her Primary School yesterday telling her that a place has been reserved for her in Prep next year...she's growing up so fast now and can't wait for the school year to begin.
Charlotte is toilet training, and things are looking good for a nappy free existence for her in the immediate future.
Darcy is now seven and a half months old and his sleeping has barley improved. He wakes at least every 2 hours during the night looking for a cuddle or a boobie. He is very busy trying to crawl, but is only managing reverse gear at the moment. He can however get to a sitting position from laying down and has pulled himself to standing against the couch and me.
Fathers Day was lovely...Sams coffee mug is now in circulation at work...all the ladies think it's gorgeous and all the fellas, well they think "meh!!".
I did manage to make a little something for my little he is modelling it with the serious face!
The Mo Tee
Christmas is only 3 months away now...Shhhh!!
I have lots to do...I want to make handmade gifts for the girls and their cousins again this year.
At least this time around I'm not heavy with an eight pound baby...I just have a clingy Velcro baby to contend with.
Wish me luck.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
I LOVE this...
photo of my Nanna and Pa with my Dad (in the middle) and his brother and sister...
It has an awful lot of scratches in it, but I think it looks pretty good for a 55 year old photo.
This one is going on my wall soon.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Shhh!! Don't Tell...
this is what their Dad is getting on a coffee mug for Fathers Day...and boy was it difficult to get these shots.
Of course I put myself under pressure and took them 10 minutes before we were due to be at a birthday party...Miss middle child is the MOST uncooperative...'sigh'.
Do you think he'll like it?
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Lazy Blogger...
I've been rather neglectful of my blog lately...too tired, too busy, nothing good to report...I am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel a little bit now and am functioning much better than a week ago.
We went for a very very long overdue visit to my nanna last friday...Darcy is nearly seven months old and this is the first time she has seen him...very bad granddaughter I am...
My Nanna turned 91 in April this year, and she still lives on her own in a house on a bush block 15 minutes from town...she's stubborn and I know where my children get that from.
I was lucky enough to be able to sort through some old photos while I was out there...I have brought some home to scan and keep for myself...the originals will be going back to Nanna. These photos are so very important and precious...I have found photos of my Pa when he was a toddler, when he was a child and photos of him from his army days in the jungle taken with a box brownie. There are also gorgeous photos of my Nan and photos of my dad and his brother and sister.
My Nanna also gave me this gorgeous tin that I have been coveting for the longest time...
she has 2 more...I have wonderful memories of Milo biscuits and Aktivite when I see this will be taking pride of place on a shelf in my sewing room.
While we were out there we also took a wander around the property...everyone had a turn sitting on the tractor...we went down to the dam and took some photos.
As I was driving home I had a little cry remembering my Pa, so many memories came flooding back being out there. Even thinking about it now I can remember the smell of the kitchen and how Pa would never let me leave without some veggies from his garden. He's been gone for 7 years now. Miss him.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
There's no place like home...there's no place like home...
It's dress up day at Kinder tomorrow!!
She wanted to go as Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz...a particular obsession of my girls of late.
So with barely a weeks notice...I managed to throw together this little ensemble.
I made the dress, which is actually 2 dresses (fabric + zip $14)...the ruby slippers are from Kmart ($12 not too bad)...the basket from the op shop ($1 can't go wrong)...alaskan malamute as Toto (found in the toybox).
She couldn't wait to try it all on and have a little photo shoot...until she started to freeze her butt off on the front doorstep.
Tomorrow we will need to add a long sleeve top underneath and some white tights...cold cold cold here.
We're off to see the Wizard, the Wonderful Wizard of Oz :)
Friday, August 5, 2011
He's half a year old!
Here's my cheeky little boy...
we had a little bit of a photo shoot to commemorate him turning six months old.
It didn't go so well, he wouldn't play nice...this is the best...
oh well!! that is the story of our lives at the moment.
At six months he is:
sitting up unassisted and rarely falling
reaching forward to get onto his tummy...and then protesting very loudly that he can't move any further
grabbing everything within reach and putting it in his mouth (including my toes)
biting the boob that feeds him (no teeth yet though)
a very very happy little soul...lots of giggles and smiles
a big mummy sook
trying to climb me
eating solids like a machine
sleeping in our bed, or should that be keeping us awake in our bed
waking lots and lots during the night
dropping back to two daytime sleeps
drooling less
"talking" very loudly and alot
putting his arms out for me (and sometimes others)
sitting up in a supermarket trolley (usually loves this)
still being swaddled
showing intense excitement at new toys and familiar people
loving to pat the cats (even the mean one)
weighing seven and a half kilos
and is 66cm long
Gorgeous much like Miss C...looks and temperament...and sleeping trouble...oh no!!! we are in for some interesting times.
It doesn't last forever though...
Enjoying my last baby while he is still a baby...
LOVE him.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Monday, July 25, 2011
Daybook Monday
FOR TODAY...25th of July 2011
Outside My Window...Dark, raining, empty garage.
I am thinking...that I should be doing something other than blogging...but this is the least strenuous thing on my list at the moment.
I am thankful for...peace and quiet...don't get to experience it very often, but when I do I am so very very thankful for it :)
From the kitchen...Homemade soup, homemade sausage rolls, yummy Ciabatta from Aussie Farmers.
I am wearing...Pjyamas already...may as well be comfortable when I'm not expecting any visitors.
I am creating...Bibs for the drooly baby...I can't believe the amount of liquid that comes out of this boys mouth...I've never been a big fan of the permanently attached bib, but so many extra changes of clothing is making me think very seriously about it. My girls NEVER drooled like this.
I am be listing some furniture on ebay...we have an overabundance of can one declutter a house when the clutter is so BIG??
I am hearing...the tap tap tap of the keyboard as I type...silence is golden:)
Around the house...Little darlings sleeping peacefully. Mr Pixies out, clean folded washing trying to eat my dining table.
One of my favourite things...My oldest girl telling me she loves me...alot...and often.
A few plans for the rest of the week...Rearrange some furniture, get some sewing done, clean that sewing room AGAIN, why does it not stay tidy???
A photo to share...been a little bit lite on photos recently, dark dreary weather, everyone being sick, getting back into the Kinder run all thwarting me at every turn.
Who is this??
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Thursday, July 14, 2011
She's two and a half years old...
and the strangest little kid...
I wanted to write a piece about all her little idiosyncrasies...she has many...but I'm sleep deprived and my head hurts, so I thought I would just share the photos...
Maybe I will be thinking straight again by the time she is three!!
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Monday, July 11, 2011
Daybook Monday
FOR TODAY...11th of July 2011
Outside My Window...My neighbour warming up his stupid WRX...It makes my windows shake, and he insists on letting it sit and run for at least 5 minutes before he drives it all times of the day and night...multiple times a day.
I am thinking...That my kids have WAY TOO MANY clothes...the washing basket is full within half a day of doing all the washing...and the clothes sure aren't mine (I am lacking in clothes at the moment)
I am thankful heater...although affording the gas to run it could become an issue before too long...Thanks Joolya!!
From the kitchen...Homemade baby food...I never in a million years would have thought I would be giving my baby boy solids before six months...but he's a hungry one. Opens his mouth for the spoon like a hungry little bird. I can tell by the pitch of his grumpy squealing when he is wanting solid food...he's growing up too fast, can't we freeze time? PLEASE??
I am wearing...Moccasins on my feet...I'm allowed to be a westie in my own feet are warm, it's not like I'm going to wear them to the supermarket or anything.
I am creating...a much tidier sewing room
I am try and get to Geelong one day this week...doesn't seem likely at this stage.
I am hearing...The Sound of Music...again.
Around the sleeping, C watching DVD, S practicing her writing, washing put away at last, dishwasher waiting for me, cats being weird??
One of my favourite things...putting my feet in the heater at night and reading the days paper brought home from work by Mr Pixies.
A few plans for the rest of the week...Stay sane with Kinder holidays on...
A photo to share...Just what I have most recently photographed...for Mr Pixies, to go on ebay...not this particular shot, this one I took for me...weird I know
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Monday, July 4, 2011
Daybook Monday
FOR TODAY...4th of July 2011
Outside My Window...Grey skies, then sunshine, then grey skies...this is Ballarat.
I am thinking...hello is there anybody out there??
I am thankful for...a sleeping baby.
From the kitchen...Homemade Pumpking Soup...pumkpin currently roasting in my now working oven ($300 later). I don't think a day has gone by since the oven was repaired that I haven't used it.
I am wearing...something comfortable.
I am creating...I have been drafting patterns and cutting out fabric...but it's so bloody freezing in my sewing room I wouldn't even dream of venturing out there at the moment.
I am stop wasting so much time on facebook this hour goes by in the blink of an eye...wish I'd never joined back up. Of course I could delete my account.
I am get some more photos up in frames and onto the wall. I have a ridiculous amount of frames in my buffet and almost bare walls. Just need to find the time to sort out what I want on the walls.
I am hearing...Miss C pretending to be an elephant...totally annoying, but cute at the same time, how it doesn't wake the baby up I don't know.
Around the house...clothes all washed, folded and put in there appropriate almost standard lamp in the lounge room...TV on ABC4kids (so what's new)...heater going...
curtains closed against the chill.
One of my favourite things...Listening to Miss 5 talk about something she is excited about...her facial expressions and her tone of voice almost remind me of what it is like to be young and remind me to find wonder in the small things.
A few plans for the rest of the week...No Kinder, make playdough and pikelets and do some paintings with the pixies. Try to wramgle some time for myself. Photograph some stuff to list on eBay. Meet my Mum for a coffee.
A photo to share...a little cliche, and he's a bit old now...but I still had the fluff from his newborn photo shoot and I never got any of the basket photos that I here we are...a "baby" in a basket.![]()
Have a good week...if there's anybody out there actually reading :)
Monday, June 27, 2011
This Little Girl...
...turned FIVE yesterday
She opened a present to find just what she wanted...
We partook in a spot of brunch at Gran and Grumbles followed by cake...
made by mumma...and guaranteed to give you a sugar buzz.
The boys wondered why on earth they turned up to the party in the same could such a thing happen???
We went on a little impromptu photo shoot...just the two of was COLD...
Then it was Birthday Girls choice for dinner...homemade pizza...with lots of olives (more got eaten than made it to the pizza). They even got to roll out their own base...can you tell??
and to finish the day in style...
blue goo bath.
followed perhaps by a little pre bed tantrum...big day, big emotions.
What more could a five year old want?
Better go...I have a gazillion tiny little cupcakes to ice for Kinder tomorrow...
my girls,
my kids,
random thoughts
Friday, June 24, 2011
A letter to my 5 month old
Dear Mr D,
My oh my how quickly the last five months have flown by. How much you have changed and learnt. I would never have imagined that you would be rolling and sitting up on your own at four and a half months. Very clever of you really.
Unfortunately your not so clever when it comes to sleeping. Don't you think it's time you started sleeping more than 45 minutes at a stretch during the day? (Even if you do wake up happy on most occasions). Or perhaps you could think about sleeping longer than 2 hours during the night...I must admit that although you do tend to wake often in the night, you barely ever wake up completely. It's just the kind of awake where I can roll over and give you what you need to drift back off. Which isn't to say that it's not exhausting, because it is.
For all your catnapping, you are a remarkably happy little bubba...I love the way your sisters can set you off into mad giggling like no one else can.
I love that you are happy to sit on the floor and play with your toys for a while now.
I love that you breastfeed to sleep (could cause problems later, but it's lovely to live in the moment).
I love that you are right there next to me every I can hear you breathe and feel you reach out for me. I wasn't so happy when you started screaming every time I swaddles you, so I think graduating to the sleeping bag was a good move. It hasn't made you sleep any worse...nor any better.
I love laying in bed and watching you sleep when I have the opportunity, not that your sisters afford me that opportunity very often.
I love your gorgeous blue eyes, and those divine eyelashes...not so keen on the constant dribble.
I love that you have been cold free for two weeks now...yay!! (knocks on wood so as not to jinx it!!).
I am so glad that you are in our lives, that you make our family complete.
Of course it hasn't all been sunshine and roses...there have been some very dark days for me, but I think at last that the fog is lifting. It's time to focus on raising you to be a good man. To raise your sisters to be good women, to be respectful, to dream big.
I look forward to watching you grow, to being a being the best we can be...looking forward.
Love you more than you can ever imagine,
My oh my how quickly the last five months have flown by. How much you have changed and learnt. I would never have imagined that you would be rolling and sitting up on your own at four and a half months. Very clever of you really.
Unfortunately your not so clever when it comes to sleeping. Don't you think it's time you started sleeping more than 45 minutes at a stretch during the day? (Even if you do wake up happy on most occasions). Or perhaps you could think about sleeping longer than 2 hours during the night...I must admit that although you do tend to wake often in the night, you barely ever wake up completely. It's just the kind of awake where I can roll over and give you what you need to drift back off. Which isn't to say that it's not exhausting, because it is.
For all your catnapping, you are a remarkably happy little bubba...I love the way your sisters can set you off into mad giggling like no one else can.
I love that you are happy to sit on the floor and play with your toys for a while now.
I love that you breastfeed to sleep (could cause problems later, but it's lovely to live in the moment).
I love that you are right there next to me every I can hear you breathe and feel you reach out for me. I wasn't so happy when you started screaming every time I swaddles you, so I think graduating to the sleeping bag was a good move. It hasn't made you sleep any worse...nor any better.
I love laying in bed and watching you sleep when I have the opportunity, not that your sisters afford me that opportunity very often.
I love your gorgeous blue eyes, and those divine eyelashes...not so keen on the constant dribble.
I love that you have been cold free for two weeks now...yay!! (knocks on wood so as not to jinx it!!).
I am so glad that you are in our lives, that you make our family complete.
Of course it hasn't all been sunshine and roses...there have been some very dark days for me, but I think at last that the fog is lifting. It's time to focus on raising you to be a good man. To raise your sisters to be good women, to be respectful, to dream big.
I look forward to watching you grow, to being a being the best we can be...looking forward.
Love you more than you can ever imagine,
my boy,
my kids,
random thoughts
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Soon to be...
I can't quite believe that this little girl is turning five in just 10 days...
Five is such a big means she will be starting school next year.
She has Sass...she throws a mean tantrum...she does the sweetest things...she loves her brother and sister, but also torments them no end...she's bossy...she doesn't do as she is asked...
Why is it that I can only remember her dark side traits and not her good ones??
She is a fabulous sleeper...she likes to help me out (when it suits her), she usually doesn't disturb me when I am trying to get the baby down for a sleep...
She's been wandering around the house singing songs from The Sound of that she loves one of my favourite movies.
She wants a party!! When I said no, she said "I just want Nanna and Pa, and Gran and Grumbles and Celeste" cute that she wants a family get together...that's what we were planning.
Love her to bits...frustrated unbelievably by her...I just know we are going to clash when she is a teenager (way too far in the future. Isn't it??? Tell me she won't grow up too fast!)
Monday, June 13, 2011
Daybook Monday
FOR TODAY...13th of June, 2011
Outside My Window...It's Dark! Approaching the winter solstice...and although we had sunshine today it was very cold.
I am thinking...that I should be doing something far more productive than blogging...
I am thankful for...a man who does the washing (my only part generally is to put it away)...and loads and unloads the dishwasher...and cleans the cat litter. It's almost enough to forgive the fact that he very rarely gets out of bed before me to get the girls breakfast and let me have a sleep in (even on mothers day).
From the kitchen...bagels from aussie farmers...they are a regular for us now. Bit naughty all that white bread.
I am wearing...pyjamas already, and it's only 8:30...
I am creating...a cute little cushion that I have had in my mind for a while...details soon
I am hearing...sweet blessed silence...all the pixies are in bed sound asleep (touch wood).
Around the house...all the washing is clean folded and put away. Kitchen is half tidy, dining table is a disaster, laundry is half way through a big cleanup and my rug needs a vacuum.
A few plans for the rest of the week...Birthday dinner for Mr Pixies, more cleaning, more sewing (was so very gratifying to get a project finished), looking forward to some respite care on Friday morning (suggested by my MCHN and quickly agreed to by me).
Outside My Window...It's Dark! Approaching the winter solstice...and although we had sunshine today it was very cold.
I am thinking...that I should be doing something far more productive than blogging...
I am thankful for...a man who does the washing (my only part generally is to put it away)...and loads and unloads the dishwasher...and cleans the cat litter. It's almost enough to forgive the fact that he very rarely gets out of bed before me to get the girls breakfast and let me have a sleep in (even on mothers day).
From the kitchen...bagels from aussie farmers...they are a regular for us now. Bit naughty all that white bread.
I am wearing...pyjamas already, and it's only 8:30...
I am creating...a cute little cushion that I have had in my mind for a while...details soon
I am hearing...sweet blessed silence...all the pixies are in bed sound asleep (touch wood).
Around the house...all the washing is clean folded and put away. Kitchen is half tidy, dining table is a disaster, laundry is half way through a big cleanup and my rug needs a vacuum.
One of my favourite things...When all the kids are in bed and Mr Pixies is out and I can have some ME time...even if I just sit at the computer or watch is time when I don't have someone hanging off me and I can just breath.
A few plans for the rest of the week...Birthday dinner for Mr Pixies, more cleaning, more sewing (was so very gratifying to get a project finished), looking forward to some respite care on Friday morning (suggested by my MCHN and quickly agreed to by me).
A photo to share...Party at Hungry Jacks today for a friend of Miss is Miss C hamming it up for the camera...pardon the snot, it's perpetual around here at the moment.
Until next time
Friday, June 10, 2011
Final Installment At Last is the last instalment of my Photo a Day in May (and a little bit of June).
I really don't know how people do the 365 thing!!
I found it really difficult to stick with this...even with a gorgeous subject. Maybe that was the problem though...maybe a bit of variety in what I could shoot would have stirred my enthusiasm a bit more. Or perhaps it's just the fact that we've all been dealing with illness. Two days respite between colds is not pleasant for a 4 month old...or a 2 and a half year old...or even for Mumma.
Heres to a more healthy June...
I may make another attempt at this later in the year...with a set theme for every day...or some photo scavenger hunts...something to keep me interested...anyone want to join me??
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Monday, June 6, 2011
Hello Old Friend...Daybook Monday
FOR TODAY...6th June 2011
Outside My Window...COLD!!
I am thinking...I wish I knew how to get Mr D to sleep through more than one sleep cycle during the's driving me nuts. The only successful way so far is to hold him while he sleeps. TOTALLY impractical. Once he opens his eyes he's totally awake...point of no return.
I am thankful for...A return to better night time sleeping...hallelujah. 3 hour stretch of sleep is BLISS.
From the kitchen...An oven waiting for an expensive repair job!!!How long can one live without an oven?? Not much longer would be my thought...2 birthdays coming up in the next 3 weeks...can't bake cakes without an oven :(
I am wearing...something comfortable and warm...NOT one of these..although that's looking pretty darn tempting!
I am creating...still working on photo books for the kids first year! Miss C is almost done, Mr D's is started (not yet up to date though), and Miss S...well I'm dreading looking through all those pre-SLR photos. Monumental task...bit of perfectionism going on here.
I am reading...Japanese sewing book...well obviously I'm not "reading" it considering I can't read Japanese...but it has pretty easy to follow pictorial instructions. Clothes for the pixies to be made in the near future.
I am hearing...the 2 pixies playing the electric organ that was my late grandpa's. We get it out occasionally and they have fun with it for about an hour before they get bored with it (and the noise gets to be too much).
Around the toilet is in a disgusting state...and I don't want to go near it. I can't avoid it for much longer...
One of my favourite things...fresh dates...
A few plans for the rest of the week...I need to sew...desperately...clean the oven, make a cake hopefully, get my hair cut (wishful thinking on that one). Try to train the boy to sleep a longer stretch during the day (wishful thinking on that one also).
A photo to share... how cold??
Have a good week
Saturday, June 4, 2011
4 months
At four months he is...
rolling both directions
sleeping terribly
distracted while breastfeeding
sitting up momentarily by himself
bouncing when held in a standing position
recovering from a nasty cold
grabbing everything within reach
mouthing everything
fighting being swaddled
"talking"...such cute noises
six and a half kilos
wearing mostly 00 clothes
drooling...this boy can soak a t-sirt through in a matter of minutes
loving attention from his sisters
loving getting out and about
staying awake longer between sleeps
growing way too fast
being a pill
being a delight
asleep on me at 12:30pm following waking up screaming (immunisations??)
Time for bed....zzzzz
Friday, June 3, 2011
Penultimate Installment
Starting to lose my interest in Photo a Day in May by now...With all the kids being sick and Mr D not sleeping very well I asked Mr Pixies to take a week off work to help me out...and bless him he did just that. Things are on the improve now and I'm feeling slightly more human and more on top of things (less out of control at least). D also had his 4 month immunisations yesterday...strangely we had the best night sleep in 3 weeks...go figure.
5 more days of photos to go. Didn't get a photo today...we went for a drive to check out some display homes...I've been keen to have a look for a while, and it just confirmed for us that this is what we want in our next house...we particularly like this one.
Back soon with the final installment.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Photo A Day
Still going with the photo a day in May...(and June, 3 days to go).
Struggling to stay with it...alot going on here at the moment.
Final 2 installments to come soon.
He's changed so much in the past 30 days.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Friday, May 27, 2011
Photo Book Woes
I am really struggling with my Photo Book for Miss C, so I thought I would make a start on one for the little man. These photos are all fresh and on my computer after all.
I have decided to make his really simple and tell a bit more of a story, while the stories are relatively fresh in my mind.
I will be using these fab album templates from Vol. 25 throughout his book...with a few adjustments obviously.
That's a very abreviated birth story...
What do you think??
my boy,
photo book
Thursday, May 26, 2011
The Next Installment
Of Photo a Day in May
Really struggling here with poor light and lack of sleep. We had a day from hell on Monday...MCHN and doctor on the same day. He couldn't have his 4 month vaccines because of his rattly chest...and we didn't get a photo:(
Mr D's sleeping has been absolutely atrocious and his sisters hasn't been much better. Miss C that is! She gets up at 4 in the morning and turns on the lights in the lounge room...ready to start the day. We put her back to bed and she gets up repeatedly. Solution?? Have her sleep in our bed. 4 in a Queen bed is a little crowded, especially when Mr Pixies sleeps diagonally (grrrr!).
Anyhow...hoping the days and nights will start to improve. Winter has hit with a vengeance around here and I got drenched picking S up from Kinder on Tuesday. Hoping for more of those glorious Autumn days before real winter sets in...not likely to happen.
Until next time
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Friday, May 20, 2011
Photo A Day in May...
The daily photos continue...under very trying circumstances.
The little fella went on a boobie strike that lasted 3 days and nights...yikes!
He just refused to feed unless he was super hungry and well rested. He also refused to feed during the night...but woke up at 11.30, 2.30, 3.30, 4.30, 5.30 and 6.00 on Tuesday night/morning. Every time he woke up screaming like somone was trying to murder him...he arched his back, he escaped his swaddle, he sucked on his hands...he had to be rocked and patted back to sleep.
Wednesday night was better...but only just. He started feeding properly again on Wednesday and last night was a huge improvement. Now his nose is running like a tap and he has a rattly chest and a cough...poor little mite. He wakes himself up during the day coughing and will only catnap. Hoping this cold (which his sister so generously shared) is not long lived.
I don't like being this sleep deprived...
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Oh My!! Too Soon
My little man rolled from his back to his tummy.
He wasn't happy about it..
He's been out of sorts for the last couple of days...lots of crying, not feeding to sleep, only wanting to feed when he's truly hungry (hello full boobs), only happy when being held constantly....sigh
I put him on the floor for just a minute to do something and he threw himself over effortlessly..What The! Not once but twice. That's a week earlier than his sister rolled...and I thought she was early.
Stop moving so fast little need to be my baby for a while yet.
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